Monday, September 2, 2013

Found it!

Wonder of wonders! Today I found my long lost and much lamented Garden Journal for 2013.  So I spent a little time reading up where I left off and then softly swearing under my breath at all the things I had to update.

I lost the journal shortly after returning from vacation in early June.  So most of the planting and etc. had been done already. Between the blog here and my sieve-like memory, I hope to piece enough information together to fill in the biggest blanks in the journal.

So, while I try to piece things together, let's have a little fun with before and after pictures.

New beds:

Tomato and asparagus beds before.

And after.

Herb garden pot:

Potted herb garden before.

Potted herb garden in August.
Pumpkins and dill:
Tiny pumpkins and dill before.

Tiny pumpkins growing ON the dill.
Oh yeah!  I have a way better thing to show you than this.  Hang on a tic.

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